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Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Our Commitments to the Community


Indigenous Peoples Acknowledgment (Sugeree)

We recognize that the Sugar Creek area and the Trailhead district take their names from the Sugeree
Indigenous peoples. We want to acknowledge and honor them in our efforts.


Equity Statement

The Charlotte Film Society, our community cinema the Independent Picture House, and annual Charlotte Film
Festival encourage the exploration of the human experience through film, welcoming creators and moviegoers
representative of the diversity of our community and our world. With those values in mind, we strive not only to
facilitate programming that is relevant to the ever-changing dynamics of Charlotte as a whole, but also to
support the socioeconomic development of the Sugar Creek neighborhood specifically.

For decades, Charlotte has been a city of great opportunity, but that opportunity has not been equitable,
especially for lifelong Charlotteans and people of color. We are aware of the harm and displacement that
endeavors such as ours can cause, and we are dedicated to working closely with our community of neighbors
to ensure that we show respect. In everything we do, it is our priority to give more than we take.

With those values in mind, we commit to:

Exhibiting films that are timely, relevant, and inclusive

Developing educational programming on independent film production

Providing community members with opportunities to explore careers in cinema

Standardizing accessibility and inclusion practices that consider race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion,

sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, and economic status

Recruiting, hiring, and retaining board members and employees who better align with the demographics of the city

Requiring continuing education for our non-profit leaders, board, and employees

As our community grows and evolves, so must these commitments. Therefore, we consider these statements to be a first step towards greater opportunity, and we welcome feedback as we continue on the journey.

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